Asia and I had a couple of divine appointments. The first was a girl who sat next to us while we fed the ducks/birds/swans bread crumbs. She was from Georgia and was Orthadox, so she knew about Jesus but wasn't sure what it meant to be born-again. We talked more with her and after giving her a tract, we prayed for her which must have blessed her, as she then gave me a big hug & said, "Thank you!" SAVE HER, LORD JESUS! And the second was with Adam, a man orginally from England who was walking his dog, a pretty Irish Setter. I first noticed him walk past us because of his dog. Then later, I happen to notice him again on the other side of the lake, so I prayed for him. Finally, there he was AGAIN sitting by the fountain in front of us! So I thought, "Ok - we need to talk to this guy!" So we went up to him - he was friendly and when we started to talk about Jesus, he said he grew up in a Christian home. However, he now wasn't sure about God and the many tatoos up and down his arms told of an intense past. I pointed to his arms and commented that it looked like he had been "down some roads" and then shared that I too had traveled some painful paths, telling a bit of my testimony. Without going into detail, he spoke some of his struggles which included loosing his children. We told him how the LORD wanted to renew His relationship with God, like the prodigal son, and that His heavenly Father was waiting for him, ready to run to him with open arms. The Holy Spirit was touching his heart and he said something like. "You don't realize how significant it was that you came and talked to me today." He let us pray for him & I gave him a tract about forgiveness. LORD JESUS, PLEASE SAVE ADAM AND MAY HE DISCOVER THE HEALING POWER OF YOUR LOVE THROUGH THE FATHER'S HEART!

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